SATURDAY 20th July 2024

10.00 AM TO 1.00 PM


Despite the really wet weather at our last work party we accomplished quite a surprising amount, although our work nowadays is mostly hacking away at the undergrowth, where our new brush cutter/strimmer proved its worth. 


A few days later, in much better weather, a few members installed our latest bench and it looks very good. It is on the main path, almost opposite the big beech tree that came down earlier this year. 


The forecast for the 20th is looking good, so fingers crossed that not only can we carry on clearing the nettles and brambles, but after work, we can also enjoy our customary picnic in dry, warm weather. Don’t forget to bring your favourite beverage for our mid-morning break, but also a picnic for lunch.   


One change from previous work parties is that base camp will now be the Green Room. This saves having to take all our tools and barrows etc. down to the bonfire site. The exception will be on bonfire days in March and November. Please meet at the Green Room and if you have them, bring your shears, hedge cutter, loppers etc. One of the sites that needs our attention is just inside the Beech Avenue entrance, near the fountain. Always leave tools safely when not using them and wear appropriate clothing. 


Sadly, one of our founder members recently passed away: John Smith, affectionally known as Ivy John, because in earlier years he could be seen waging his one-man war with the ivy in the Beeches. He was a true gentleman and always had a story to tell. Cynthia, his wife, has said how important Purley Beeches and the community within was to John and it is grand to see Cynthia and her beloved black Labrador, Bella, still walking the Beeches. 


Our final usual plea is to please come along on the 20th for as much time as you can spare, not only to help with the work, but also to have a thoroughly enjoyable time.